Broiled Salmon with Wild Ginger and Bearnaise Sauces

Arrange salmon fillets (even thickness or two even thicknesses) in 11"x17"x1" pans.  Sprinkle with paprika and lemon basil if available.

Broil 3 min.

Pour over 1 c. chicken bouillion.

Bake at 450 degrees for 9 - 12 min. (depending on thickness) until done.  Serve with bearnaise sauce and wild ginger sauce.


Wild Ginger Sauce:

Mix 6 T. Chinese barbeque sauce with

6 c. white wine.  Add

6" long chunk of fresh ginger, shredded

6 cloves garlic.  Simmer till reduced and well seasoned.  Stir in

6 T. balsamic vinegar

6 T. orange/peach juice

6 - 12 T. apple/kiwi/peach juice to taste and continue simmering.  Remove garlic cloves before serving.


Bearnaise Sauce

In food processor, put

2 eggs

2 T. lemon juice

1/4 tsp. salt

pinch cayenne pepper

1 T. vinegar

1 T. parsley

1/2 tsp. tarragon

Heat 1/2 c. butter (1 stick) until bubbly but not brown.  Turn on processor and pour in butter in a steady stream.  Transfer to microwave-safe container and cook at medium power for 25-30 sec. intervals, whisking to distribute heat after each interval, until slightly thickened.  Do not overcook.


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